Teenage years can be challenging, with pressures from school, relationships, mental health concerns, and more. Fortunately, there are many services dedicated to offering support to teenagers, whether it’s for mental health, career advice, social issues, or simply someone to talk to. Below are key resources designed to help teenagers navigate these important years.

  1. YoungMinds
    • YoungMinds is a leading charity supporting young people’s mental health. They offer advice for teens and parents dealing with issues like anxiety, depression, self-esteem, and bullying. Their resources also cover coping strategies and how to seek professional help.
    • Website: youngminds.org.uk
    • Phone Number: 0808 802 5544
  2. The Mix
    • The Mix offers free, confidential support to young people under 25. From mental health and relationship advice to career guidance and social issues, The Mix provides accessible resources and an online community where teens can chat and share experiences.
    • Website: themix.org.uk
    • Phone Number: 0808 808 4994
  3. Kooth
    • Website: kooth.com
    • Description: Kooth is an online platform offering free, confidential mental health support to young people aged 11-25. Through live chat, self-help tools, and professional counselling, Kooth supports teens with issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression, allowing them to seek help in a safe, anonymous environment.
  4. Childline – Teen Help
    • While Childline provides support for all young people, they also have a dedicated section for teenagers. They offer advice on mental health, relationships, bullying, and dealing with life changes. Teens can talk anonymously with a trained counselor 24/7.
    • Website: childline.org.uk
    • Phone Number: 0800 1111
  5. Mind
    • Mind provides resources and support for mental health, including information on issues such as anxiety, stress, depression, and self-harm. Their services also include help for teens experiencing mental health struggles, offering guides, support networks, and advice on managing emotions and stress.
    • Website: mind.org.uk
  6. YoungCarers UK
    • Website: carers.org
    • For teens who care for family members with illnesses or disabilities, YoungCarers UK offers a support network. They provide resources, advice, and practical assistance to help manage the pressures of caregiving while ensuring teens also get the emotional and social support they need.
    • Phone Number: 0808 808 7777
  7. Teenage Cancer Trust
    • The Teenage Cancer Trust supports teens aged 13-24 who are diagnosed with cancer. They provide specialist care and emotional support through nurses, psychologists, and support teams. The charity also helps teens manage the emotional challenges of a cancer diagnosis while continuing their education and social lives.
    • Website: teenagecancertrust.org
    • Phone Number: 0800 917 7711